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About HBCUParents.com
In partnership with NOCP (National Organization of College Parents) and HBCUConnect.com, HBCUParents.com is a site where parents of HBCU students and graduates can connect and communicate in supporting, enhancing, and advancing students and the executive leadership of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
HBCUParents.com is powered by ConnectPlatform.com.
About ConnectPlatform.com
The Connect Platform (www.connectplatform.com) is a unique tool that enables minority individuals, groups, and organizations to create their very own social networks. The cost is 100% free to do so, but the site owner will not own their available advertising inventory. If they are interested in selling ad space on their social network, they can sign up for the premium option that does require a monthly fee.

The Connect Platform was created and founded by William Moss of Moss Interactive in Columbus, Ohio. Moss is best known as the founder of HBCU Connect - the largest online social network for Black college students and alumni.

Partners of the Connect Platform include Dante Lee of Diversity City Media also based in Columbus, Ohio. Lee is best known as the founder of BlackNews.com and BlackStudents.com, as well as PR tools such as BlackPR.com, BlackExperts.com, and BlackSpeakers.com

Together, Lee and Moss own BlackHistory.com - the largest online encyclopedia and social network for African American history and culture.
To learn about our business level services visit our Business Users section...
For more information about Connect Platform, or to launch your own social network visit: Connect Platform
IN THE PRESS (view all)
--> The Best Macro-Economic Investment Strategy In Project Safer America
November 10, 2017
--> Lee Moss Media Featured on CNN
March 19, 2009
--> Founder of HBCUconnect.Com, Announces Merger/Acquisition of Second Largest HBCU Web Site
November 06, 2008
--> Lee Moss Media Tapped to Launch Social Network for Sandy "Pepa" Denton
August 26, 2008
--> Another Connect Platform site mentioned in the news (blackhistory.com)
August 25, 2008
--> "Black In America" Series Lives On Through Social Network
August 18, 2008
--> Interview with Social Networking Pioneer, Will Moss
August 18, 2008
--> Lee Moss Media Acquires BlackDoctors.com and BlackPhD.com
August 18, 2008
--> Radio One & TV One try their hand at online communities
August 28, 2007

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michelle hollinger just posted a blog entitled 'the remedy for lifting hbcu graduation rates rests with us!'. 12:31AM
michelle hollinger just became a new member. 11:45AM
ingrid jones just became a new member. 11:44AM
josiah sweeting just became a new member. 04:37PM
obioma richardson just edited her profile. 07:21PM
obioma richardson just became a new member. 07:10PM
bettie smith just became a new member. 03:07PM
t.d. faison just posted a blog entitled 't.d faison, robert townsend and trinese at event in atlanta... '. 12:09PM
t.d. faison just posted a blog entitled 't.d faison and anika noni rose in manhattan... '. 12:04PM
robbie ware just became a new member. 01:44PM
john silver just edited his profile. 02:46PM
john silver just became a new member. 02:17PM
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